We are currently finalyzing the new model of ambulance and utility car Phänomen Granit 25H late. Today we will introduce it to you for the first time. The model will contain most of the new plastic parts. Add etched metal parts and extensive decals to them. As the first pair of kits, we will bring the car as a Wehrmacht ambulance ambulance and a civilian car design.
The Wehrmacht used Phänomen Granit 750 kg primarily as an ambulance, but the variety of models was wider- the Kübelwagen, radio and pickup trucks. Among the civilian users in the number of pieces dominated the Riech post – post office, other users were for example police units. However, the number of pieces produced was dominated by pre-war postage delivery cars and ambulances. Due to the scale of the conflict, Phänomen Granit ambulance cars were used from the initial days of the war to its end. Cars were used in Europe and Africa. You can find them on many archive photos, mostly in the background of the scene. This proves their inconspicuous, but more useful, service. Standardized production over time has undergone change and gradual upgrading. From the first angular shapes, the driver and co-driver protected only the celta, after the fully enclosed square versions with the classic door to the crew up to the later “rounded” design of the car. Despite the fact that production in the middle of the wartime conflict has fully turned into a new bigger type, many cars have survived the end of the war and, after its end, they have been waiting for a long service, mostly in civilian services throughout Europe. Thanks to this and enthusiasm of veteran collectors, there are preserved pices still in driving conditions, some of them even in Czech.

In a box marked 72911 Phänomen Granit 25H Late Ambulance we will bring three different camouflages of the Wehrmacht ambulance.
The box focused on civilian users (72910 Phänomen Granit 25H Late Utility Civil) will contain traditional red post delivery car. In addition to this attractive red car used by the Reich Post, the kit will contain a camouflage from the cult Czechoslovakian TV series Major Zeman.

We are finalising plastic part form production and we expect models to be available till the end of the month May 2018.